1·To practice Buddhism is to learn from the Buddha, to emulate his purity of body, speech, and mind.
2·One can imagine that the day of Furong li Miao temple are certainly higher than these monks come to practice Buddhism even earlier time.
3·I can promise you that if you study, if you understand, if you practice Buddhism, you will obtain a great level of satisfaction and also you will be free of suffering.
4·This is the bad habits that you have accumulated all your lifetimes. It is not easy to change them. You have to practice Buddhism, persist with the practice and eliminate them gradually.
5·Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kung fu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple.
6·It can be said that the confidence of Semarang to what extent, the practice of Buddhism is to what extent.
7·Most Cambodians practice Theravada Buddhism, which has been popular in the region for at least 1, 500 years.
8·Then on a basis of psychoanalytic experience, the theory and practice problem is probed about the conjoint between psychoanalysis and the Buddhism.
9·Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kungfu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple.
10·The sites in this section provide resources for people interested in learning to practice Tibetan Buddhism and meditation.